Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student educational records. Aside from a few exceptions, institutions may not disclose information about a student without a student’s written consent.
For more information about FERPA as it applies to UC Irvine, please refer to the UCI Privacy and Student Records page.
If a student chooses to be accompanied by a support person/advisor during any meeting with our office, the student must complete and submit the FERPA waiver below.
FERPA Waiver
Please note this form is only for sharing information related to your student disciplinary record if you have an academic integrity or student conduct case with our office. General student privacy and record releases should be directed to the University Registrar.
Students must email this completed FERPA waiver directly to their Conduct Specialist or to from their UCI email address.
Support Person/Advisor Guidelines
Students may have a support person/advisor of their choice as long as the individual they choose is not otherwise connected to the case. A support person/advisor can be an attorney, parent, friend, etc. If a student chooses to have an attorney as their advisor, the student shall pay all fees, costs, and expenses for the retention of that attorney. A student may also request OAISC provide a support person/advisor to them by emailing their request to
The support person/advisor role is to advise and support the student. During academic integrity and student conduct related meetings, a support person/advisor may act as a consultant for the student. The student may request a break to consult with their support person/advisor. However, a support person/advisor cannot speak on behalf of the student, object in any manner to questions asked or discussions raised, “cross-examine” witnesses, or interrupt proceedings. Failure to follow these guidelines could result in the support person’s/advisor’s removal from the Administrative Meeting or Hearing.
All communication with OAISC must come from the student; a support person/advisor cannot communicate with OAISC, including via phone or email on the student’s behalf.
In the interest of expediency, as a general practice, hearings shall not be delayed due to the unavailability of a support person/advisor.
General questions about the support person/advisor role may be directed to or by calling 949-824-1479.