OAISC Peer Advisors assist students who have been notified by OAISC for an alleged policy violation, promote awareness, and provide education about the Student Conduct and Academic Integrity policies and procedures.

Schedule a Meeting with a Peer Advisor

Unsure how to respond to your Notification Letter? The Peer Advisor can help! The Peer Advisor’s role is to help, assist, and support the student. They do not act as a spokesperson, advocate, or defense counsel for the student.

Schedule a meeting  Please note: Peer Advisors are not available during the summer

Students can schedule a meeting with an Academic Integrity & Student Conduct Peer Advisor upon receiving a Notification Letter from the Office of Academic Integrity & Student Conduct. During this meeting, the Peer Advisor may assist with the following:

  • Explain the Notification Letter
  • Explain the Administrative Meeting process
  • Explain the standard of evidence used in investigations
  • Provide an overview of the possible sanction options
  • Explain the Student Conduct Review Board process (if applicable)
  • Explain the Academic Integrity Review Board process (if applicable)
  • Explain the appeal process (if applicable)
  • Inform the student of campus resources to help them navigate the conduct process

If you have any questions, please email us at scintern@uci.edu.