What is a Dean’s Certification?

A Dean’s Certification (or disciplinary clearance) is a verification of your student conduct record. This verification is usually requested by law schools, medical schools, study abroad programs, state bar associations, government agencies, or independent agencies when you are applying for admissions or employment.

Typically, the institution or agency you are applying to, or seeking employment from, will provide you with a Dean’s Certification (or disciplinary clearance) document that will need to be completed by a University Administrator. Please make sure to complete the form accurately. Incomplete or inaccurate information will delay the processing of your request.

When do I need a Dean’s Certification?

Disciplinary History checks

  • Graduate School Applications
  • Study Abroad Applications
  • Background Checks

Transfer Applications

  • Common Application
  • College Report

When should I submit my Dean’s Certification request?

The typical Dean’s Certification processing time is 5-7 business days and may take longer during peak request times. You should submit your request to us as soon as possible. To be fair to all students, we process the requests in the order that they are received. Many Dean’s Certification requests are to the same schools with the same deadlines, so we are not able to expedite your request ahead of other students.

Please note: If you have a pending conduct matter, we will be unable to complete your request until the adjudication of your conduct matter is final.

How to request a Dean’s Certification

Via Email: You may request a Dean’s Certification via email to conduct@uci.edu by sending us the following:

1)    A completed Dean’s Certification Request Form (below) and
2)   The other institution’s form to be completed or specify a letter needs to be generated

Dean’s Certifications will be emailed directly to the institution. We will notify you by email when all documents have been sent out. Please ensure that you have included all of the necessary documents; if any documents are missing or incomplete, this will delay the processing of your Dean’s Certification.

If you have questions, please contact the Office of Academic Integrity & Student Conduct at (949) 824-1479 or conduct@uci.edu.


Does the Dean of Students provide an academic verification? 
Yes. However, if the individual was a student prior to 2010, we will need to confer with the academic unit.

Can the Dean’s Certification be faxed directly to the institution? 

What if there is no Dean’s Certification document provided by the institution but disciplinary clearance is required?
Please refer to the section “How to request a Dean’s Certification.” If the institution does not have a disciplinary clearance form, please send us the contact information for the individual requesting your verification, and we will send them the verification on your behalf.