Registered Campus Organizations (RCOs) may be held responsible for activities committed by members that serve to reflect upon the organization. As members of the state of California community, University of California, Irvine expects its students to be responsible citizens of the campus, local, and global community. In the event a situation or conflict arises in which there is an allegation that the University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students (PACAOS) has been violated, the Student Conduct process will be administered to discuss the implications of the event. In these situations, disciplinary action against the organization is independent of those taken against individual members. For some cases, disciplinary action can, and will, be taken against organization members for activities involving the organization.
Narrative of the Student Conduct Process
When a report of a possible policy violation is received, the Office of Academic Integrity & Student Conduct contacts the authorized signer(s) for the involved Registered Campus Organization and provides them with notification regarding the incident. The official representatives are given an opportunity to attend an Administrative Meeting with an Academic Integrity & Student Conduct Specialist. During this meeting, the Academic Integrity & Student Conduct Specialist and official representatives will discuss the organization’s involvement with the incident. Specifically, the Academic Integrity & Student Conduct Specialist will:
- Inform the official representatives of the specific allegations made against the Registered Campus Organization
- Indicate the applicable University policy(ies) or campus regulations alleged to have been violated
- Share information regarding the related incident
- Make a reasonable effort, as permissible under federal and state law, to comply with requests for access of documents relevant to the case
- Give the Registered Campus Organization the opportunity to respond to the charges and evidence against them
Based on the discussion in the meeting, the Academic Integrity & Student Conduct Specialist must investigate the Registered Campus Organization’s involvement in the incident and determine if the organization is responsible for violating the policy(ies). The Academic Integrity & Student Conduct Specialist may choose to take no action if it is determined that the initial report lacks information, is unsupported based on new information, or falls outside the purview of the University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students (PACAOS).
If after the discussion it is determined that the Registered Campus Organization was responsible for a policy(ies) violation, the organization will be notified of the sanction(s) via written notice. After being notified of the decision, the organization may either accept the decision and imposed sanction(s) or proceed to one of the following options:
- For cases resulting in a Warning or Disciplinary Probation:
- Appeal to the Dean of Students
- Informal process
- Decision made by the Dean of Students is final
- Appeal to the Dean of Students
- For cases resulting in a Suspension or Revocation of Recognition/Dismissal:
- Appeal to the Dean of Students
- Official representative must sign a waiver of the right to a formal hearing
- Informal process
- Decision made by the Dean of Students is final
- Or Appeal to the Student Conduct Review Board (SCRB)
- Formal hearing process
- Have the case reheard by the Student Conduct Review Board
- Decision made through the hearing process may be appealed to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
- Decision made by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs is final
- Appeal to the Dean of Students
Support Person/Advisor Guidelines
Registered Campus Organizations may have a support person/advisor of their choice as long as the individual they choose is not otherwise connected to the case. A support person/advisor can be an attorney, parent, friend, etc. If a Registered Campus Organization chooses to have an attorney as their advisor, the Registered Campus Organization shall pay all fees, costs, and expenses for the retention of that attorney. A Registered Campus Organization may also request OAISC provide a support person/advisor to them by emailing their request to
The support person/advisor role is to advise and support the Registered Campus Organization. During conduct-related meetings, a support person/advisor may act as a consultant for the Registered Campus Organization. The Registered Campus Organization may request a break to consult with their support person/advisor. However, a support person/advisor cannot speak on behalf of the Registered Campus Organization, object in any manner to questions asked or discussions raised, “cross-examine” witnesses, or interrupt proceedings. Failure to follow these guidelines could result in the support person’s/advisor’s removal from the Administrative Meeting or Hearing.
All communication with OAISC must come from the Registered Campus Organization; a support person/advisor cannot communicate with OAISC, including via phone or email on the Registered Campus Organization’s behalf.
In the interest of expediency, as a general practice, hearings shall not be delayed due to the unavailability of a support person/advisor.
General questions about the support person/advisor role may be directed to or by calling 949-824-1479.
Sanctions are imposed only if a Registered Campus Organization has been found responsible for a violation. The primary goals of sanctions are to protect the safety and integrity of the University community, to educate Registered Campus Organizations about the concerns related to the inappropriateness of their conduct, and to provide opportunities for Registered Campus Organizations to learn new behaviors. Sanctions are designed to reflect the actions of the Registered Campus Organization and the impact of the violation(s) on the community. Possible sanctions for Student Conduct cases include: written warning, disciplinary probation, restitution, restriction from areas of campus, attending classes or workshops, educational projects, community service, relocation or removal from housing in accordance with the housing contract, removal from specific courses or activities, suspension, or (in very rare cases) revocation of recognition/dismissal.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I report a violation of policy?
You can report violations to a variety of campus offices such as:
Office of Academic Integrity & Student Conduct: For violations of university policy related to academic integrity and student conduct.
UCI Police Department: For violations of the law involving members of the campus community.
Campus Assault Resources & Education: For information, support, and resources regarding instances of sexual assault.
2. Are Registered Campus Organizations held to the same Code of Student Conduct?
Yes. All Registered Campus Organizations are expected to follow the policies outlined in the Code of Student Conduct.
3. What if my Registered Campus Organization is not familiar with the policy that we are accused of violating?
Ignorance of the policy(ies) does not excuse violation of said policy(ies). Every student is responsible for knowing the rules and regulations of the University found in the University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students.
4. Do I have to attend my Administrative Meeting?
No, but it is in the best interest of your Registered Campus Organization for the official representatives to attend. If you choose not to attend, the Registered Campus Organization’s case will be adjudicated without your input and if the group is found responsible, sanctions will be imposed.
5. I am a member of a Registered Campus Organization; can I be brought up on allegations too?
Yes. Disciplinary action against the Registered Campus Organization is independent of those actions against the individual. For some cases, disciplinary action can, and will, be taken against individual students for activities involving the organization.
6. How does the Academic Integrity & Student Conduct Specialist decide if the Registered Campus Organization violated the Code of Student Conduct?
The “Preponderance of Evidence” is the standard used to determine if a Registered Campus Organization is responsible for the allegations of policy violations. A Registered Campus Organization is not responsible for violating the Code of Student Conduct unless evidence suggests that it is was more than 50% likely that a policy was violated. Another way of stating it is: “Is it more likely than not that a policy was violated?”
7. Is my Registered Campus Organization going to be dismissed from the University?
Sanctions depend on various things such as the severity of the offense, whether the Registered Campus Organization takes responsibility for their actions, prior sanctions received by the Registered Campus Organization, level of intent, etc. Suspension and revocation of recognition/dismissal are not frequently used sanctions in our office.
Review of these common questions does not substitute for reading and understanding the Code of Student Conduct. This list is meant to answer questions that students, Registered Campus Organizations, advisors, and parents often have about the student conduct process at UC Irvine. Please refer to the Code of Student Conduct for more detail.