The Office of Academic Integrity & Student Conduct offers multiple options for navigating these concerns including mediation, informal discussions, and sanctions. We recognize there may be instances where disruptive behavior may also be a sign that a student may be of concern or in need of additional support. In order to assist faculty and staff, OAISC has developed resources to aid in addressing disruptive behavior and supporting students of concern.

To learn more about how to address disruptive classroom behavior, please refer to the following resources:

A Full Guide to Addressing Disruptive Classroom Behavior at the C.O.R.E.

A Quick Guide to Addressing Disruptive Classroom Behavior at the C.O.R.E.

To learn more about how to support students, please refer to the following resources:

Supporting Student Mental Health: A Resource Guide for Faculty and Staff

Supporting Students In & Out of the Classroom

The Red Folder

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I call the police?

Whenever you believe there is any threat of violence of other unlawful behavior. Any threat of violence should be taken seriously. To contact the UCI Police Department in an emergency, call 911, or if you are calling from an on campus line dial x45223.

When I observe misbehavior, what should I do?

Early intervention might help define needed boundaries for a student. This will form a ‘behavioral contract’ between the Sr. Coordinator of the Office of Academic Integrity & Student Conduct or designee and a referring teacher. Teachers who state reasonable expectations early, and enforce them consistently, help students avoid the harsher consequences that flow from more serious infractions later.

What should I do in the face of persistent disruption?

Direct the student to leave the classroom for the remainder of the class period. Contact the Office of Academic Integrity & Student Conduct for a report. Prompt consultation should also be undertaken with your direct supervisor and the Office of Academic Integrity & Student Conduct. Inform the student the reason (s) for such action, and give the student an opportunity to discuss.

What confidentiality standards should I follow?

You should only discuss allegations with:

  • Individuals who have some role in the disciplinary process
  • Your direct supervisor, departmental supervisor, or chair
  • The Office of Academic Integrity & Student Conduct

What if a disruptive student claims the disruptive behavior is the result of a disability?

The fact that a student may have a disability should not inhibit you from notifying appropriate authorities (including the campus police, as needed) about disruptive behavior.

  • Students with disabilities must adhere to reasonable behavioral standards.
  • Disability claims and accommodation requests should be discussed with the Disability Services Center.
  • Federal agencies and the courts have made it clear that an institution of higher education does not have to tolerate or excuse violent, dangerous, or disruptive behavior, especially when that behavior interferes with the educational opportunities of other students.

Colleges and universities may discipline a student with a disability for engaging in misconduct if it would impose the same discipline on a student without a disability.